The Bad Side of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening guys, 

In out post before this, we had discussed about Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), but only about the good side of it, such as CMC helps us a lot in communicating with our loved ones when we are far away from them. So this time we are going through what are the negatives impact of the CMC.

As we all know, communicating through computer has really helping us to communicate in a very easier way. However, CMC also has affected every aspect of society including the social problem in our country today. Have you ever heard about teenagers are raped by the strangers that they merely knew from social media? (Here is the link of one of the cases

Nowadays, most of us today can access all those kinds of social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, WeChat and many more. But not all of us do access it in an appropriate way especially those teenagers who are in exploring-new-things phase (sometimes the adults too). That is why communication through computer without the right direction or intention can lead to many other serious social problems in Malaysia. So, do you guys think that Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) are good for all ages? Do you think that underage teenagers need their parental supervision when they are communicate through media? Let us share our opinion about this issue. :)


  1. Good morning Cheta, in my opinion, it is true that society nowadays really like to being active on social media. For example, find new friends from social media, connected continuously using social media and even find their life partner using social media.
    We cannot deny that social media connect us easily with someone which is far from us but the bad effect of this situation is, some peoples will ignore a peoples at their surrounding. An easy example is when we are in home, we like to looks at our smartphone rather than discussing or talking with our parents.
    Therefore, I think that CMC are not good for all ages. This is because,some ages such as children and teenagers are individuals that need engage more with people surround them by face to face or real conversation. It is important for them to make friend in school and find a good friend and not anonymous person from social media that might harm them.
    We already show a video in class which shows that the girl was raped by a guy that she know from social media. So, i think that CMC is not suitable for children even it is important for them to engage with information technology since we are in era of technology.It is good for entertain them but not over uses of it. in addition, they still need parental supervision when using social media.

  2. Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone,

    In my opinion, I think the idea of using CMC is not a problem. Yes, I think it is okay for all ages to use it. And do teenagers need supervision when they are using CMC? Absolutely. But, there is of course a catch in that. I believe most people in the world agree that underage teenagers need supervision but the question here is, are they getting it?

    From my very own personal experience, some parents actually do want to supervise their kids when the children are using the media but at the same time, they do not want to make their children feel as if they are restricting their freedom in exploring the technology. Plus, teenagers around 13-17 years of age, they are on the verge of exploring and identifying their social identity, worse thing could happen is they tend to become rebellious which will only makes it worse if the parents keep a very tight control on what they want to do especially when it comes to exploring and using the CMC. So, in order to let both parties live in harmony, the parents should supervise their children but minimally and always educate them the bad side of what CMC can do to them.

  3. Assalamualaikum and good afternoon everyone.

    I agree with Hazrenita's opinion that not everyone access the social media in appropriate way. But still I think that Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) are good for all ages. Why? Because we need to use CMC in order to know about the issues around the world and to be connected with others that are far from us.

    Regarding whether the underage teenagers need their parental supervision when they are communicating through social media, I think that it is needed but only to some extend. The more the parents try to limit the teenager's use on social media, the more the teenager will try to rebel. So, the wise decision that the parent should do is to tell the good and the risks of using social media to their children. The parent should make the children aware of the danger behind social media and advise the children to use social media wisely. That is all from me. Thank you.

  4. Terima Kasih kepada Hazrenita.

    Saya bersetuju yangdinyatakan oleh saudari berkaitan kesan penggunaan CMC hari ini.Tidak di nafikan bahawa terdapat banyak kes yang berlaku yang melibatkan Media sosial dan sebagainya.

    pendapat saya, pemantauan ahli keluarga diperlukan pelajar dibawah umur dan didikan awal kepada anak-anak juga perlu untuk memberi kesedaran kepada mereka tentang perkara ini.

    jika kita lihat kes-kes yang berlaku seperti yang dinyatakan oleh saudari,begitu membimbangkan kerana ia berlaku dalam masyarakat kita.

    benar, anak-anak tidak menyukainya jika ibu bapa menyekat, tetapi saya masih percaya masih ada cara untuk ibu bapa atau masyarakat kita sendiri untuk mengawal perkara ini dari terus berlaku.

    dan saya juga percaya pencegahan awal kepada perkara ini sangat berkesan, dengan bermulanya dari didikan awal. Ibu bapa perlu merancang mendidikan anak.

    "If you Fail to plan, you plan to Fail"

    sekali lagi saya sangat menekan didikan awal dan cara pendidikan awal yang diterima oleh anak-anak. Hal ini kerana, kemajuan teknologi dan slogan "Dunia tanpa sempadan " begitu membimbangkan saya untuk generasi hari ini dan akan datang.

    Sebagai mahasiswa kita perlu peka masalah dan isu dalam masyarakat.

  5. Walaikumussalam. Hye cheta. Thank for the good discussion. Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) also have negative impact that we should know. Not only positive impact that we should take in our life. CMC is the communication that not involve face to face of person. So, people will use computer or gadgets to make personal communication with each other without guidance from anyone.

    For me, CMC are not good for all ages especially underage teenagers that hyper with exploring new things for their satisfying and also to follow their new generation nowadays. This is because they are not really knowing what the future effect when they are continuous using social media in their life. According to Cornell University’s Steven Strogatz from the article that I was read “The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individual” mention that the immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in with the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. From this article conclude that the devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. It is also can drive with suicide without our aware.

    So, I think underage teenagers very need their parental supervision when they communicate with each other when they are using technology such in social media communication. This is to make sure they can always communicate with safely with anyone and parents also can know who their children communicate and friends.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wa’alaikumsalam. Hello everyone.

    I totally agree with your idea. There is always two part of argument towards particular issue. In this case, we have discuss the positive impact of CMC before. Now, we want to focus on the negative side. With the emergence of CMC these days, there are some a new kind of crimes arises too. Teenagers are raped by the strangers that they know from social media is one of the example. In fact, the rapist might be someone that the victim knows. They contact with each other through social media, meet at somewhere and something happen. Before this, the chronology is not that way. Rapists not looking for the victims through social media, they find them in actual place especially street. Within this case, parents’ roles are important to make sure their children safe. However, nowadays the kids might be stay at home when parents consider it as a safe place, but they must monitor their kids when engage with social media because rape cases sometimes are caused by meeting and knowing strangers in a social media. Thus, parents should give extra supervision to their children. Apart from that, I think that CMC actually good for all ages but how people use it, that is the important matter.

  8. wa'alaikumussalam. terima kasih atas perkongsian yang diberikan.

    saya sangat bersetuju dengan kenyataan saudari berkenaan topik yang dibincangkan.

    media kita pada masa kini terdapat kebaikan dan ada juga kemudaratan daripadanya. terpulang kepada kita bagaimana cara kita menggunakannya.

    yang menjadi permasalahannya adalah terhadap remaja kita pada masa kini. kemudahan internet yang sangat mudah untuk diakses menjadikan mereka leka dan lalai. menjadi satu tanggungjawab terhadap ibu bapa untuk mengehadkan penggunaan internet terhadap anak-anak mereka dan sentiasa mengawal jenis laman web yang sering mereka kunjungi dan tonton.

    sediakan payung sebelum hujan. jangan sudah terhantuk baru nak tergadah. anak-anak adalah pewaris bangsa,. bentuklah anak-anak dengan perkara-perkara yang baik dan berfaedah.

    sekian terima kasih.

  9. Good Day Everyone,

    Thank you for the posting which highlights the social issues resulted from misuse of the technology. I must say issue is such a big concern especially to those parents who have children that is going through the process of maturity.

    Since this generation is totally different from the millennial generation, we just can’t deny the fact that they are entering the era of virtual life. During our time, we at least gets to spend our free time with outdoor activities such as Police & Thief, Konda-Kondi, Poison Ball and many more. Those activities are mostly played with a group of friends and we get to experience face to face interaction. These days, I think they don’t have the chance to do so, and most of them spend their time with their gadgets. They were trying finding something fun in the virtual world and they are not aware the fact that they are expose to the dangers of internet.

    Thus, back to the question whether or not the underage should get parental supervision when they are communicating through the media, I personally think we all regardless the parents should always advice to our acquaintances to always be careful on the internet. We are still in the process of constructing a mature society and every individual supports is important in order to restrain social issues from getting elevated.

    That is all from me, Thank You.

    Nurul Atiqah Mohd Azman


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