Handwriting vs Typing

 Hello guys, good evening. 

First of all, I want to ask you a question, have you read an article “Does the Internet makes us stupid?” This is a good article and worth to read. If you haven’t read it yet, you can click this link http://morpheus.calm.unimas.my/file.php/9575/internet_make_us_stupid.pdf

Basically, this article discusses how Information Communication Technology (ICT) give influence toward some aspects of human’s life. Is it ICT has a good or bad impact towards our life? We cannot ignore the fact that technology these days really helpful, therefore we rely on it almost all the time. There are a lot of technologies have been mentioned within the article that makes our life easier especially the writer. 

Actually, in this blog, I just want to share my opinion towards this article. There is one point in the article that mentions about handwriting. Some people more prefer to do typing instead of writing. Why? It is because with the information technology we can write faster than handwritten. However, we have to know that if we do handwriting is better that typing especially for students. According to Chemin (2014), there are two researchers from US conducts a study in University of California, Los Angeles, they find out the students who taking-note with pen have a better understanding of the subject than those using a laptop. This research shows that the article is absolutely correct about ICT is reducing our cognitive facilities.

Apart from that, I want to share my experience that relating to handwriting issue. When I was in senior high school, I do not use my laptop regularly to type anything. I always write my notes and assignment. I can say that my handwriting back then is very beautiful. Unfortunately, in university, we are required to type our assignment. I’m actually okay with that because if I have to write the assignment is must be tiring. Then, what happen with my handwriting? Yes, I still taking-note with a pen during lecture. However, my handwriting now is really difficult to read and sometimes my spelling is wrong. Like we all know, our laptop have a spelling checker, so when there is any wrong spelling, the app will correct it automatically. Can you see the good and bad side of this technology? At first, it really helps us but it also reduces our ability at the same time. 

That is all for me. I hope you enjoy reading this blog. Do not forget to write comments below and share your opinion. 


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  2. Selamat Sejahtera.

    Selepas membaca article yang diberi memang tidak dapat disangkal lagi, kehidupan kita sebagai mahasiswa hari ini bergantung kepada internet yang membantu untuk mencari maklumat dan sekali gus, memberi kesan kepada kehidupan seharian.

    saya juga ingin memberi pendapat saya berkaitan internet.
    jika hari ini, kita melihat kesan internet kepada diri kita sebagai mahasiwa, kita juga perlu risau dengan generasi akan datang, dan penerimaan mereka dengan teknologi dan kemajuan yang semakin tiada hadya.

    maklumat dihujung jari bergitu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberi gambaran kepada betapa berkuasanya internet, dan sepatutnya mahasiswa seperti kita menggunakan kemudahan ini sebaik mungkin.

    Dunia tanpa sempadan.
    internet juga dapat membantu kita berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi di alam maya tanpa perlu berjumpa. tetapi dengan adanya internet juga mampu menjadikan seseorang individu menjadi antisosial dan ini benar berlaku kepada salah seorang sepupu saya.

    Selain itu, internet membantu saya untuk terus menulis dimana saya mengunakan medium blog dan wordpress untuk menulis dan mendapat komen daripada rakan yang turut menulis dengan menggunakan medium ini.

    jika dahulu saya perlu menulis menggunakan buku atau menggunakan kertas, tetapi sekarang dengan adanya internet saya bukan hanya dapat menulis malah dikongsikan dengan rakan yang lain.

    dan saya bersetuju dengan Nurussa'adah, dengan adanya intenet dan teknologi memudahkan urusan tetapi tetap ada kelemahnya kesannya dapat dilihat semasa penulisan tangan.

    Sekian Terima kasih.

  3. Assalamualaikum and good evening,

    I am strongly agree with Nurussa'adah Yusfar, in which the technology has lessen our capability especially in terms of critical thinking. Day by day the technology has become more advanced than before, causing us to perform our daily activities in the simplest way that we can. At the same time, limiting our ability to perform at the fullest especially when it comes to our brain activities.

    In my opinion, handwriting versus typing is one of a good example to show how through technology it has reduced human’s brain to function at its full potential. According to an article that I have read from The Guardian, (you can check the article here https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/dec/16/cognitive-benefits-handwriting-decline-typing) the experts mentioned that pens and keyboards operate differently towards our cognitive process. According to Edouard Gentaz, a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Geneva, through handwriting, it requires various skills of a person – “feeling the pen and paper, moving the writing implement, and directing movement by thought”. Whereby using keyboards gives totally different vibe to the user and it is easy enough to learn it because the person just has to press the right key without having to cognitively process anything else. So here it shows that it can impede human’s cognitive process to go beyond what it can reach.

    And not just that, through handwriting, a person will be able to sharpen his or her memory recall. This is because it can activate parts of the brain involved in thinking and working memory, so it allows us to store and manage information in our brain. From few of the readings too I have found out that our hand movement associated with the pen can help us to encode and retain information for a long time because it forces our brain to engage with the information. In contrast, typing encourages people to type exactly as what is being spoken or written without giving much thought on the information causing us to have a lack of meaningful understanding of the information. That is all from me. Thank you.

  4. Good evening,

    I agree with Nurussa'adah Yusfar, that we rely on the technology nowadays as it is very helpful in our lives. I think that the good side of typing is that we can actually type the notes faster compare to writing the notes. Based on my experience, when we write down the notes, we cannot fully write down everything about the lecture.

    However, typing also has the bad side. In an article that I have found, (you can refer the article here: http://www.npr.org/2016/04/17/474525392/attention-students-put-your-laptops-away) a research has been done by Mueller and Oppenheimer, they found that the students who typed the notes, typed more words compare to the students who write down the notes. Both of the group, the students who typed the notes and the students who write down the notes, can answer questions regarding to facts, such as the dates. But for the questions that they need to explain more for the answer, students who typed do significantly worse compare to the one who write down the notes.

    The students think that having full-length notes by typing help them do well in the exams. But according to the research done by Mueller and Oppenheimer, the students who write down the notes actually performed better compared to those who typed down the notes. The research shows how actually it is better for the students to write down the notes rather than typing them.

    As the conclusion, I think that it does not matter if we can take more notes by typing, if we cannot remember what we typed. So, even in this modern world full of technology, writing down the notes manually by hands is better than typing the notes using the laptop. That is all from me. Thank you.

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  7. Assalamulaikum and hye to all of my partner friends.
    First of all i want to say about topic that we would discuss is so benefit to our mind and for our critikal thinking. Why i say like that? Firstly, i am so agree about typing have more benefit than handwriting. But actually handwriting also have more benefit than typing. For my opinion, handwriting have closed relation with human needs and society. The simple example that i will give by handwriting is why have expensive pens at the shop such as Parker pen? Only the person that fanatic and obses about writing will know why the person searching and looking about the brands of pens. Otherwise, if person that more like typing then writing, they are not looking for detail pens that they want to use. So, my point is people that like handwriting then typing will make the brands of pens are existed at the biggest shop in our country. Because of the handwriting, it can affect to our economy because of the branch of brands pens shop are opened in our country to show that Malaysia is one of the country that still have people that practicise about handwriting technique.Other than that, i also agree with our friend that was discussed about handwriting will make our mind easier for remember what we was written than using technology of typing. It is because colour of what we see and put down at the paper will give memories for our mind for long time. According psych professor at Dominican University of California found that writing stimulates a bunch of cells at the base of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS acts as a filter for everything your brain needs to process, giving more importance to the stuff that you’re actively focusing on at the moment. So, meaning that our mind will easier to focus about what we have write use our hand than typing. That,s all from my opinion and my little research about this topic.Thank you

  8. Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.

    I personally agree on what has Nurussa'adah Yusfar said about handwriting vs typing. Typing is good but handwriting is much more better for our understanding in learning something. Some of us, I mean the students today, prefer typing rather than handwriting because they worry about their bad handwriting which might cause difficulties for them to read what they had written, later. That is why people nowadays choose to use technology to helps them to ease their works without realising that there are also disadvantages from that. However, the research that said that people who has bad handwriting are smarter than people who has good handwriting.

    Don't you think that the fact is interesting? How come people who has a bad handwriting can be intelligent? Based on article that I have read here https://www.psych2go.net/people-with-sloppy-handwriting-tend-to-be-smart/, it said that intelligent people has bad handwriting because the thought process of their minds is too fast and it cannot match the speed of the hand while writing. There are a few genius people that also have been mentioned in the article such as Albert Einstein, Mahatma gandhi, Michael Jackson, Adolf Hitler and Beethoven.

    Technology do helps us to ease our works but at the same time it can gives trouble to us too. Compared to handwriting, typing makes us hard to remember on what we have typed and learned besides we relied on internet too much to rember things for us which make our brain memory weaker and weaker. So, as a conclusion, I agree that internet makes us dumber and handwriting vs typing is a great example of the situation. Thank you Nurussa'adah Yusfar for the post.

  9. In my opinion, it is undeniable that technology change our life today because our life getting more easier than before. Emergence of internet and smartphone or other gadget such as laptop or computer make us do our works more easier and faster. For example, when doing our assignment, we can just deleting unwanted part rather than rewrite on other paper.

    Besides that, internet make us able to type anytime when we want just by typing oon our smartphone. Commenting about this blog also make us easy to reply and give feedback faster. Moreover, calculating using smartphone is faster and simple ratjer than calculate one by one using a piece of paper and pen or pencil.

    However, writing on paper also important and good to us even in this modern era. This is because, we as a student need to practice more on writing an article and doing assignment. We were writing since kindergarden and answering exam using it.

    Writing also make us thinking more effectively when write because we do not want to waste our paper and pen. Of course. According to Chris Gayomali, one study in 2010 said that, brain associate more effective and faster when writing. (http://m.mentalfloss.com/article.php?id=33508)

    In conclusion, both typing and writing is both important eventhough in this modern era. Especially for student like us, writing also important in examination and doing draft before typing. Besides, as a good journalist, we also need to be good on eriting if we are not allowed to record any speech or interview. So, thats all from my opinion. Thank you Nurussa'adah.

  10. Assalamu'alaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua.

    Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Saudari Nurussa'adah atas perkongsian yang diberikan. Terima kasih juga kepada semua rakan-rakan yang sama-sama berkongsi maklumat yang amat menarik saya kira.

    Saya sangat bersetuju dengan kenyataan Saudari Nurussa'adah yang mana Internet sangat membantu kita terutamanya pelajar dalam kehidupan seharian.

    Zaman era modenisasi ini, kita semua sudah sedia maklum, Internet mempunyai peranannya yang tersendiri dalam menyampaikan dan memindahkan maklumat. Kita sendiri tidak lepas dan tidak lari daripada menggunakannya.

    Seperti kata Saudari Nurussa'adah, Internet juga mempunyai kebaikan dan keburukannya yang tersendiri. Kebaikannya sudah terang lagi bersuluh sebagai seorang pelajar Internet banyak membantu kita dalam mendapatkan maklumat dengan begitu mudah. Kemudahan wifi yang kini boleh diakses dimana-mana lagi memudahkan kita untuk mencari maklumat.

    Keburukannya seperti yang kita sering dengarkan, kita leka dan lalai dengan kemudahan ini sehinggakan mengabaikan segala keutamaan yang patut kita dahulukan.

    Saudari Nurussa'adah juga ada menyentuh berkenaan isu "typing vs handwriting". Bagi saya, saya lebih memilih untuk menulis terutamanya semasa di dalam kuliah. Ianya sangat membantu saya mudah mengingat apa yang diajarkan dan lebih mudah difahami. Melalui tulisan jugak saya bebas untuk menulis dalam pelbagai jenis gaya atau bentuk yang lebih saya selesa berbanding menaip di komputer yang terikat dengan saiz font dan tulisan. Bukanlah saya katakan dengan "typing" tidak membantu dalam pembelajaran saya tetapi melalui tulisan saya lebih mudah faham.

    Jadinya tidak seharusnya timbul isu typing vs handwriting kerana melalui typinh juga kita perlukan untuk melukis dan menulis draft supaya apa yang dipindahkan dalam bentuk typing nanti lebih mudah.

    Saya kira itu sahaja setakat ini yang dapat saya kongsikan kepada semua.

    Sekian terima kasih.


  11. Good day everyone.

    After reading all the articles and comments from each of you, all of you have been highlighted about the goods and the bads of ICT. I could not agree more on the part that typing cause a lot more harm than writing, though. Even almost all the sources on the internet shows writing is way better than typing.

    Yes, typing reduces the cognitive performance. Me, born as a Gen Y (The Millenial) really experience the changes between writing and typing. Long ago during primary school and high school, i was able to write long passage without even have to have computer to start writing. Yet nowadays, I just can’t start writing without laptop and internet connectivity alongside. I often feel the feelings of checking on how to write a good introduction always hunt me every time I want to start doing my assignments. Those are really time consuming process in which it drags the process of writing that can be done in two hours. I find it frustrating to see that I need to depend on the internet just to find a good starter sentence. After all, human can’t fight with machines anyway.

    However, I think it depends on the situation too. We have to accept the fact that world is changing and it will not stop changing for us. If we really want to survive then we have to utilize the facilities so that we will not be left behind. For some, technology helps to solve or minimize the use of paper thus; we can help to save the planet. Can you imagine without the rise of the technology, what is left there on earth? That is why we should not simply blame on the things that we ourselves should make better of it.

    Nurul Atiqah Mohd Azman


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