Journalism and New Media

Assalamualaikum and hye to all my partner friends. Here I like to discuss about the relation between journalism nowadays with new media. As we know, many of us are to much rely on new media such as Facebook, Twitter and so on to get any information about current issue as our knowledge. I think it is a good ways to gain information in order to follow the flow of modernisation  of technology nowadays especially in our country. But, at the same time we know that certain information in new media sometimes are not fully believable and also can be bias. Sometimes, a journalist that in charge to post news or current issue in media are not emphasizes the journalism ethics.

 The article of Advertising Age that I was read was mention that fake news is not new phenomenon but it was calling "freak journalism" which is disinformation news that people will get. It will become huge spread by people to people and at the end all people will trust about the news that not have validity. Then the chaos of information will happen in our life and give bad things to others.

For my opinion, journalist have own ethics that they were must follow in order to post something in Facebook such as accuracy and factual reporting, avoid slander and libel and be sensitive when seeking or using photographs of those affected by tragedy of grief. So, in term of trustworthiness of news that was publish in Facebook, Twitter or other medium in new media, are you one of the person that believe about these news? Please share your opinion about news that was posted in new media nowadays and what the bad consequence that you aware when you read the news through new media such as Facebook, Twitter and so on. That is from me. Thank you.


  1. Good afternoon Lena. Thank you for your post.

    In my opinion, news that posted using social media such as Facebook are sometime true and false. This is because they (the writer) are write about their opinion or what they observe not by truth such as interviewing the authority such as police or prominent peoples.

    Besides that, some of them might be using a wrong word in their news writing. Using inappropriate word or sentence that might cause another person sue them.

    News in Facebook such as Siakap Keli and many more which is not illegal spread news and issues that may cause confuse among people.
    From this kind of news, the bad consequence that i aware after reading this kind of news is it make confusing and build a lot of bad assumption about that particular issue.

  2. Assalamualaikum and good day everyone,

    As for me, I do read news from the social media such as Twitter and Facebook, but the only news that I would trust is news that are reported by the news agency that are quite well-known in Malaysia such as Astro Awani, New Straits Times, and Malaysiakini. Since I “follow” them on Twitter so I have to say that I do believe the news that they posted, so I would classify the news from these agencies are trustworthy. But apart from any of the news agency, or in other words the citizen journalists, I hardly trust them, in fact most of the time I do not believe what they posted if there is no solid proof.

    I do agree that when these so-called journalists started to post news especially news that have no validity, full of negativity, it can create a lot of unpleasant conditions. For example, one of the news I usually see on the social media is when they stated that there are certain food products in the market are not halal to be consumed by the Muslims. These food are said either they “contain pork’s DNA”, or the company that produces it does not have any JAKIM halal certificate. The problem here is, these news they do not just impede the business activities but they cause the public to feel uneasy and uncertain of the food products in Malaysia. And that is just one news, which is on food products. Not to mention these fake news on politics, economy, and many more serious matter in the country. Worse thing can happen is it could lead to chaos among people if there no action taken pertaining these unreliable news.

  3. Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone.

    In my opinion, the news that we read on social media can be trusted if it comes from news agency such as Astro Awani, Berita Harian and so on. The source of the news are very important.

    However, people nowadays like to be the first ones to viral things on social media. They want people to like and share their post, so they like to take any pictures, interpret the picture as they like and post it online.

    One of the fake news that went viral on social media is the news of the death of former national badminton doubles player Datuk Razif Sidek (The Star, 2017). He is actually still alive when the news went viral. Sometimes, people are not really considering the sensitivity of the news and they just post anything that they want.

    We should verify the truth of the news before we share it on the social media. Do not trust blindly anything that you see or read on social media. That is all from me. Thank you.

  4. Assalamualikum dan terima kasih Harlina.

    Tidak dinafikan ramai wartawan tidak bertauliah dia media-media sosial dengan isu-isu yang belum pasti kesahihanya.

    saya juga tidak terlepas dari mengikuti berita-berita di media sosial tetapi sebagai bahan bacaan sahaja tidak lebih daripada itu, hal ini kerana, saya ingin melihat sendiri bagaimana masyarakat Malaysia sendiri menulis tentang sesuatu isu, tetapi memang kebanyakan berita yang ditulis tidak diketahui kesahihanya.

    dan kebanyakan berita yang ditulis hanya menginginkan populariti sahaja tanpa memikirkan kesan kepada masyarakat.

    kesimpulanya, masyarakat perlu membuka minda dengan tidak terlalu cepat membuat spekulasi dan mempercayai berita yang tidak diketahu kesahihan.

    masyarakat juga perlu sedar bahawa,tulisan yang tidak bermanfaat bukan hanya merosakan penulisan itu tetapi merosakan pemikiran masyarakat kerana mudah terpedaya dengan penulisan yang mahukan populariti tanpa memikirkan kesannya kepada pembaca dan jadi lah seorang penulis yang mampu memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat bukan merosakan masyarakat.

  5. terima kasih harliana kerana berkongsi topik yang menarik ini. saya berpendapat bahawa tidak salah untuk mempercayai berita berita yang disampaikan melalui media sosial. namun kita haruslah bijak memilih sumber yang benar benar boleh dipercayai dan benar benar menyampaikan maklumat yang betul serta sahih.

    selain daripada itu kita juga haruslah rasional sewaktu menilai maklumat yang dibaca. hanya kongsi maklumat yang penting dan memberi manfaat untuk rakan rakan sosial kita, bukan kongsi perkara perkara yang boleh memburukkan pihak yang berkaitan.

    malahan, tambahan lagi, kita sendiri perlu mengawal diri kita sendiri dari menjadi pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab menyebarkan maklumat yang tidak tepat dan mengganggu gugat keharmonian negara kita sendiri.

  6. Wa’alaikumsalam. Hello everyone.
    Firstly, I know that we cannot rely on online news too much because sometimes the news might be fake. Yet, I do not know there is a specific term for it. I want to say thank you for the new information regarding “freak journalism” that you share. That is really interesting. Okay, we go back to your question, do I believe any news from that published in Facebook, Twiter or any new media? Yes, I believe with the news but it depends on the sources. In my Facebook, I like BBC Indonesia page and whenever this page post any news, I will read it. I think this page has reliable source. Personally, the medium is not a measurement for me to define whether the news is faithful or not, the source of it is more important. However, we cannot ignore the fact that some of the news that we get from social media do not mention about its sources, that becomes the problem. Nevertheless, we have to be smart. I mean do not be a person who swallow any news without question it. Do a comparison with other sources as well. I think that is enough from me. Thank you.

  7. wa'alaikumussalam. terima kasih atas perkongsian yang diberikan.

    tidak semua berita yang dimuat naik di laman sosial adalah benar seratus peratus. ada perkara atau berita yang berunsur fitnah dan bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan individu yang diperkatakan.

    terpulang kepada kuta, sama ada mahu mempercayai dan menerima berita tersebut dengan cara yang bagaimana.

    jika pada pendirian saya, saya lebih suka membaca berita dan isu-isu semasa yang berlaku melalui portal malaysiakini kerana saya lebih yakin dengan tahap kesahihan dan kebenarannya. berita-berita yang terdapat di portal ini juga lebih lengkap berbanding dengan yang ada di Facebook.

    sekian sahaja daripada saya.

  8. Good Day Everyone,

    To be honest, when I was asked which media that broadcast news more reliable, I will definitely choose the traditional media. But, the fact is that I realize I did not even go to those tradisional site, I often read the news from Facebook specifically.

    Why? Why Facebook? For me, Facebook user provides news that is sensational, fast-paced rapidly to serve the hunger soul. All the posting on Facebook are often rare content which makes it exciting for us to read although we know the source is unknown.

    If the social media news is unreliable, what some well establish News Company sometimes took the news from social media? Clearly social media are far more sensational and sellable compared from traditional media. Plus, citizens are all now assume the news came from TV’s are all government’s agenda and not in social media.

    In terms of trustworthiness, I admit, it is really hard to trust the sources from facebook since the news are not being clarified with reliable source. Because of these social media, “Now everyone can write anything”.

    That’s all from me, Thank You.

    Nurul Atiqah Mohd Azman


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