Online News Site.
Assalamualaikum and good evening to all my group members. Online news sites is a news blog where the blog is written in blog without we know who the author is. These blogs usually show the current issues for public display. Validity of the blog can not we expect the true extent since this blog was written by ordinary people and unknown authors. For the example, the page of Siakap Keli. This blog usually we can see on Facebook show the current issues concerning the country. It is also often display a hot issues these days that ended up going viral and widely shared. Next is online-only news site or online newspaper. This online newspaper is the online version of a newspaper, either as a stand-alone publication or as the online version of a printed periodical. Going online created more opportunities for newspaper such as competing with broadcast journalism in presenting breaking news in a more timely manner. There are many examples for this online-only news sites such asa Yahoo! News...