Fight for LGBTI's rights

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersexual (LGBTI) is not a new matter these days. Before this, a lot of people might oppose this kind of thing. However, as time goes by, many people do accept LGBT in our society. Those people who engage with LGBT tend to fight for their rights. I want to share with you about one example of website in Indonesia, it is called Arus Pelangi. Basically, Arus Pelangi is a group for LGBTI. It is officially formed on 15 January 2006 in Jakarta. If you want to know more about the page, click this link

This group is open for everyone regardless whether they are LGBTI or not. As long as people can hold to Arus Pelangi’s principle and obey its code of ethic, they are freely welcomed to join this community. Even, Arus Pelangi is not restricted for Indonesian only. It is also open for foreigner. For further information about membership, people can go directly to this link


  1. Terima kasih saudari.

    saya sudah membuka link yang diberikan oleh saudari berkenaan Arus Pelangi yang menyokong LGBT. Terima kasih untuk maklumatnya.

    Sejujurnya saya tidak mengikuti issue yang berkaitan LGBT di Malaysia . hal ini kerana saya sangat menentang LGBT . Tetapi tidak bermaksud saya akan menyisirkan mereka yang terlibat dengan perkara ini. Saya hanya menentang kerana ianya salah .

    |Saya juga percaya diMalaysia terdapat kumpulan yang menyokong. Link dibawah menunjukan gambar diambil semasa BERSIH 4.0 di Malaysia. Dimana menunjukan terdapat rakyat Malaysia ingin hak golongan LGBT di Malaysia.

  2. Assalamualaikum and good afternoon.

    Thank you Nurussa'adah for sharing your opinion. Yes, I agree with you that nowadays those who engage in LGBT are fighting for their rights. I have click the link that you share and it is quite interesting to see that in the website, they put the law that supposedly support their right to be whatever they want. They really want to promote and protect their right to be LGBT.

    This kind of group also exists in Malaysia. I have found a few social networking websites in Malaysia that only for LGBT. Some of the website actually has tight security and to access the website, we need the permission first.

    One of the interesting website that I found is Utopia-Asia, a well-established and comprehensive website of information for gays and lesbians in all Asian countries including detailed listings for Malaysia. There are even lists of businesses which are owned by gays and the members of the websites can get discount at the businesses. You can check out the website here:

    That is all from me. Thank you.

  3. Hi Uun,

    Apparently the issue of LGBT is not new nowadays, and due to their “determination” in spreading the idea has led them to the next level whereby they even have their own website and social media accounts.

    I suppose these websites are created so that they can be themselves and socialize among themselves when the public (Malaysians) do not accept and tolerate their presence. I believe through these websites too they can express whatever they want as the media provides them the platform to do so. Like what we have learned in class, new media allows us to be a part of a society or community which are not bound to our own locality anymore. And as the website that you have shown above, the membership does not only applicable to Indonesians but for other LGBT individuals around the world too. So this literally shows that they are allowing their group or community to grow and socialize by allowing other individuals from the other side of the world as well. I wonder if they will ever turn to heterosexual after socializing with few different people from different gender in the website.

  4. Terima kasih Uun atas perkongsian tentang perkongsiannya. Selamat sejahtera kepada semua.

    Tidak dinafikan, isu LGBT semakin membesar tidak kira di Barat mahupun di Timur. Isu LGBT bukanlah sesuatu yang baru untuk kita kenali tetapi telah berlaku sekian lama. Walaubagaimanapun, terdapat masyarakat yang menerima dan juga tidak menerima kehadiran golongan ini. Hal ini kerana, masing-masing mempunyai pendapat mereka sendiri. Tambahan pula, terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan dan penolakkan terhadap kewujudan golongan LGBT. Sesungguhna, saya tidak membaca mana-mana blog yang berkaitan LGBT mahupun yang menyokong atau menentang.

    Pada pandangan saya, penentangan masyarkat terhadap golongan ini disebabkan oleh norma masyarakat kita. Begitu juga dengan pengaruh agama yang melarang LGBT. Oleh yang demikian, wujudnya blog-blog untuk menegakkan hak mereka terutamanya golongan LGBT agar mereka tidak dipinggirkan dan dipandang serong oleh masyarakat. Blog-blog seperti ini juga penting agar masyarakat memahami situasi yang mereka alami.

    Ini sahaja pandangan daripada saya mengenai LGBT. Sekian terima kasih.

  5. Assalamualaikum. Hye semua. Terima kasih Uun untuk perkongsian topik ini.

    Topik ini sebenarnya tidaklah mengejutkan sesiapa kerana isu- isu LGBT ini telah lama diperkatakan. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa terdapat segelintir masyarakat yang menyokong isu LGBT ini. Malahan mereka turut membenarkan isu LGBT ini diteruskan oleh masyarakat yang terlibat. Contohnya, negara Thailand amat terkenal dengan LGBT ini kerana rata- rata daripada mereka membenarkan antara satu sama lain untuk terlibat dalam gejala sosial seperti ini. Tambahan pula LGBT ini sangat terkenal melalui aktiviti perfileman di negara berkenaan.

    Tetapi saya mempunyai pegangan sendiri terhadap isu ini. Saya lebih kepada tidak menyokong mengenai isu ini kerana LGBT merupakan gejala sosial yang sangat tidak digalakkan dalam Islam. Hal ini kerana LGBT banyak menyumbang kepada keburukan diri sendiri dan masyarakat terutama dalam aktiviti sosial. Selain daripada itu, LGBT tidak digalakkan kerana ia sememangnya melanggar fitrah kemanusiaan. Islam amat menjaga aktiviti sosial umatnya terutama dalam pergaulan dan perhubungan.

    Jadi, saya sememangnya tidak bersetuju dengan LGBT kerana ianya bukan aktiviti normal yang patut dilakukan sebagai manusia yang normal.
    Sekian, terima kasih

  6. wa'alaikumussalam. terima kasih saudari Uun atas perkongsian yang diberikan.

    seperti yang kita sedi maklum, isu ini bukanlah isu baru yang wujud dalam negara kita. isu ini sering diperkatakan oleh setiap orang tidak kira ada yang menyokong dan ada juga yang menentang.

    bagi saya sendiri, saya sangat tidak menyokong isu ini kerana ianya melibatkan gejala sosial dan tersasarnya daripada landasan syariat agama. islam telah mengajarkan kita perkara-perkara yang baik yang menjaga kehormatan kita supaya sentiasa berada di jalan yang benar.

    tetapi tidak bermaksud saya menyisihkan golongan ini kerana saya yakin satu hari nanti mereka kaan sedar bahawa pap yang mereka lakukan sekarang ini adalah perkara yang tidak betul. semoga mereka mendapat kesedaran untuk berubah.

    sekian terima kasih.


  7. Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone.

    So yeah. LGBT is not a bizarre thing among us nowadays. Even in Malaysia context, it is the same with Indonesia context like Uun had stated. Although our country still do not approve this group to be legal, but the number of them keep increasing and they are fighting for their right extremer than before.

    Moreover, media nowadays has become one of their main platform to increase their network connection and also spread positiveness among themselves. There is one LGBT website that I found interesting. This page share various kinds of information in every aspect of their life. By the way, everybody can access this website. Here is the link to go further: .

    However, I still do not agree with LBGT group lifestyle. That is all from me thank you.

  8. Good Day Everyone,

    Interesting topic posted just like the colors of the rainbow. Thanks for sharing the links for the blog Uun as we all get to know that there is a site that practice LGBTI freely. I have no issues about LGBTI, not supporting but also not against them.

    I have a friend who is also LGBTI, don’t really matter to me about her preferences but all I know, She is one smart hardworking girl. She often says her opinion out loud, she braze, visionary and I adore her character basically.

    One thing that is maybe can be troublesome for some people is that, she never hide her preferences and often share it on social media in which sometime will make immoral people go attacking her with really not a nice word. I just hope that we can practice lively environment be tolerant regardless the diversity.

    That is all from me, Thank You.

    Nurul Atiqah Mohd Azman


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