Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersexual (LGBTI) is not a new matter these days. Before this, a lot of people might oppose this kind of thing. However, as time goes by, many people do accept LGBT in our society. Those people who engage with LGBT tend to fight for their rights. I want to share with you about one example of website in Indonesia, it is called Arus Pelangi. Basically, Arus Pelangi is a group for LGBTI. It is officially formed on 15 January 2006 in Jakarta. If you want to know more about the page, click this link http://aruspelangi.org/ This group is open for everyone regardless whether they are LGBTI or not. As long as people can hold to Arus Pelangi’s principle and obey its code of ethic, they are freely welcomed to join this community. Even, Arus Pelangi is not restricted for Indonesian only. It is also open for foreigner. For further information about membership, people can go directly to this l...